Sunday, 22 September 2013

Synopsis of my trailer (over 250 words)

When it is time to pack up and leave the past behind, is a new start the right choice to be making? But Bethan is not convinced and tries her very best to stay with the old. Picking up the last few boxes, her father experiences some petrifying events. A mothers love is forever, her child is missing and Mama goes to extremes to retrieve her. Will Bethan and her father make it out in time, or will Mama's attempt to save her daughter result in a brutally, devastating exorcism?

Opposing; new houses with old habits, a families desperate attempt to move on is shattered in seconds by a petrifying shadow. A younger audience will be thrilled and be jumping out of their seats with an original story with a scary twist behind it. My target audience is people above the age of 15 because of the horror and violence present during the trailer. Aged 15 as language, horror and scenes are not suitable for a younger audience.

Equilibrium - Family move into new home
Disruption - Bethan refuses to move with family
Complication - Father returns in attempt to persuade her, experiences scary, abnormal activity
Climax - Mama makes her presence, possessions take place, scary spirits present
Restoration - Exorcism is performed on Bethan, leaves lasting affects on her ..... Schizophrenia.